An End of Life Doula provides support to people who are well and seeking assistance to plan for their end of life, and people who have received a diagnosis that means their end of life is nearing.  A Doula advocates for people and their loved ones, provides support and offers options to them. 

An End of Life Doula can also provide support to people in the event of the sudden, unexpected death of loved one.  There are more details regarding available support on this page.

Doulas perform a non-medical role, however, they can accompany people to medical appointments for support and advocacy.

They provide compassion, support and options for people and their loved ones as they near the end of their life, whilst preservation of quality of life and comfort are optimised. 

They are entrusted to advocate for people and assist them to have their end of life occur in line with their wishes.

What is an End of Life Doula?